Different Types of Computer Viruses and Ways to Remove Them

Virus in context of computers and technology is an undesirable element that encroaches into a system infecting its files, applications, and components. These tiny beings are not self-evolved but developed by humans. Their aim is not limited to harm a computer system but also to benefit their developers. There are hundreds of identified viruses along with many of those, unidentified. This article entails certain types of viruses adjacent to their motives. I hope that it will help you in understanding the phenomenon of this concept.

Prior to proceeding this piece for the solution, let be advised to first Scan and Fix your system’s concealed disorders which most probably is eliciting the inconsistencies:

Boot Sector Virus

Boot sector is a part of data storage device, which encloses machine code to be loaded into RAM. A Boot Sector Virus tends to graft itself into the boot sector, so that it could easily be loaded on a system startup. This was a common type of virus, when DOS based systems used Floppy disk as a Boot disk. The virus typically used to rapt towards Floppy disk. Due to high internet usage and vanished role of floppy diskettes, virus has shifted its channels to much advanced and easy ways.

Browser Hijacker

Browser Hijacker, as it is termed, aims to hit specific applications like internet browsers. It is usually downloaded, when the users click to download some other application from a malicious website. It comes as a spin-off, and takes control of your internet browser. Once done, it will generally readdress you to the particular sites, which are retaining virus. This is usually a tactic to increase the traffic at those particular webpages for Revenue purpose

File Infector Virus

File infector is a classic and most common type of virus. Just like a Direct Action Virus, it walls itself in an executable file on the system. It writes itself to the executable file in different structures like, in the start, at the end, in the middle, or throughout the file at breaks. On being executed, it tries to find other executable files to infect and thus stays in system for a long time. When a user intends to run a program carrying File Infector, virus executes itself leaving the program file non-functional.

Similar is the phenomenon of Direct Action Viruses. It usually enfolds itself in an executable file. It is also developed and disseminated for revenue generation purposes, as it is helpful in generating webpage visits. On running the infected file, virus comes in action and spreads the payload to certain destinations. After this direct action virus becomes inactive until it is executed again. Such type of viruses is very rare to find, as it is of a non-fertile nature.

Macro Virus

This is a virus written in Macro Language, usually incorporated by word processing applications. When a document file infected with a macro virus is executed, it inserts itself into other documents and spreads throughout the system. These files, when shared on a network, may lead to more infected computers on a web. It also has the property to lookup through the internet, download, and install programs without the consent of the user.

Multipartite Virus

This is a hybrid virus holding and merging the properties of File Infectors and Boot Infectors. This means it has the ability to contaminate both files and boot sectors. This can enormously proliferate throughout the system with a very high speed. On the other hand, this property of quick replication makes it easier to notice. It will then be easy to locate at many folders and directories, due to its far and wide presence. Once noticed, it cannot hide itself from an antivirus program.

Polymorphic Virus

You can call it a subtype of File Infector Virus. A polymorphic virus is based within an encryption algorithm, and has the ability to change the encrypted codes, once executed. As the digital security solutions tries to find a pattern of malicious codes, once came under notice, this characteristic of mutation saves it from being detected by an antivirus application. Like the most of other virus types, polymorphic is also dedicated to spread the payload for their developers.

 Resident Virus

A Resident virus, also referred as Memory Resident virus is dissimilar one, having the capacity to intrude into the system’s memory and reside in there. Unlike other viruses, it is an independent one and does not require a user’s action to execute it. It may take a number of actions and executions as it runs independently. It is a precarious kind of infection as it allocates a portion of memory for its own code and gets control of your system.

Web Scripting Virus

Webpages containing multimedia content, including videos, require the implementation of certain kinds of code to execute online videos. In many cases, it has been noticed that virus developers insert certain codes into the content of website, without notifying its webmaster.

These codes are malicious and may threaten the users, accessing these webpages. It is also seen the webpage under attack remains clear on the owner’s (of the webpage) end.

One Thought on “Different Types of Computer Viruses and Ways to Remove Them

  1. nebiyat_gmg on April 26, 2017 at 4:12 pm said:

    was very helpful

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